→ Plot CCF vs Time

This plot shows the cross-correlation functions (CCF) vs time. The parameters allow to plot the daily or the mov-stacked CCF. Filters and components are selectable too. The --ampli argument allows to increase the vertical scale of the CCFs. The --seismic shows the up-going wiggles with a black-filled background (very heavy !). Passing --refilter allows to bandpass filter CCFs before plotting (new in 1.5).

msnoise cc plot ccftime --help


  Plots the ccf vs time between sta1 and sta2 STA1 and STA2 must be provided
  with this format: NET.STA.LOC !

  -f, --filterid INTEGER   Filter ID
  -c, --comp TEXT          Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
  -m, --mov_stack INTEGER  Mov Stack to read from disk. Defaults to 1.
  -a, --ampli FLOAT        Amplification of the individual lines on the
                           vertical axis (default=1)
  -S, --seismic            Seismic style: fill the space between the zero and
                           the positive wiggles
  -s, --show BOOLEAN       Show interactively?
  -o, --outfile TEXT       Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
                           but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
                           will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
  -e, --envelope           Plot envelope instead of time series
  -r, --refilter TEXT      Refilter CCFs before plotting (e.g. 4:8 for
                           filtering CCFs between 4.0 and 8.0 Hz. This will
                           update the plot title.
  --normalize TEXT
  --help                   Show this message and exit.


msnoise cc plot ccftime YA.UV06 YA.UV11 will plot all defaults:


For zooming in the CCFs:

msnoise cc plot ccftime YA.UV05 YA.UV11 --xlim=-10,10 --ampli=15:


It is sometimes useful to refilter the CCFs on the fly:

msnoise cc plot ccftime YA.UV05 YA.UV11 -r 0.5:1.0:


→ Plot Interferograms

This plot shows the cross-correlation functions (CCF) vs time in a very similar manner as on the ccftime plot above, but shows an image instead of wiggles. The parameters allow to plot the daily or the mov-stacked CCF. Filters and components are selectable too. Passing --refilter allows to bandpass filter CCFs before plotting (new in 1.5).

msnoise cc plot interferogram --help


  Plots the interferogram between sta1 and sta2 (parses the CCFs) STA1 and
  STA2 must be provided with this format: NET.STA.LOC !

  -f, --filterid INTEGER   Filter ID
  -c, --comp TEXT          Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
  -m, --mov_stack INTEGER  Mov Stack to read from disk. Defaults to 1.
  -s, --show BOOLEAN       Show interactively?
  -o, --outfile TEXT       Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
                           but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
                           will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
  -r, --refilter TEXT      Refilter CCFs before plotting (e.g. 4:8 for
                           filtering CCFs between 4.0 and 8.0 Hz. This will
                           update the plot title.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.


msnoise cc plot interferogram YA.UV06 YA.UV11 -m5 will plot the ZZ component (default), filter 1 (default) and mov_stack 5:


→ Plot CCF’s spectrum vs Time

This plot shows the cross-correlation functions’ spectrum vs time. The parameters allow to plot the daily or the mov-stacked CCF. Filters and components are selectable too. The --ampli argument allows to increase the vertical scale of the CCFs. Passing --refilter allows to bandpass filter CCFs before computing the FFT and plotting. Passing --startdate and --enddate parameters allows to specify which period of data should be plotted. By default the plot uses dates determined in database.

msnoise cc plot spectime --help


  Plots the ccf's spectrum vs time between sta1 and sta2 STA1 and STA2 must be
  provided with this format: NET.STA.LOC !

  -f, --filterid INTEGER   Filter ID
  -c, --comp TEXT          Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
  -m, --mov_stack INTEGER  Mov Stack to read from disk. Defaults to 1.
  -a, --ampli FLOAT        Amplification of the individual lines on the
                           vertical axis (default=1)
  -s, --show BOOLEAN       Show interactively?
  -o, --outfile TEXT       Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
                           but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
                           will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
  -r, --refilter TEXT      Refilter CCFs before plotting (e.g. 4:8 for
                           filtering CCFs between 4.0 and 8.0 Hz. This will
                           update the plot title.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.


msnoise cc plot spectime YA.UV05 YA.UV11 will plot all defaults:


Zooming in the X-axis and playing with the amplitude:

msnoise cc plot spectime YA.UV05 YA.UV11 --xlim=0.08,1.1 --ampli=10:


And refiltering to enhance high frequency content:

msnoise cc plot spectime YA.UV05 YA.UV11 --xlim=0.5,1.1 --ampli=10 -r0.7:1.0:
