Help on the msnoise commands
This page shows all the commands accessible from the command line.
Commands with an _old suffix are only visible in the console if a .old file is present in the folder.
msnoise admin
msnoise admin --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Starts the Web Admin on http://localhost:5000 by default
-p, --port INTEGER Port to open
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise db init
msnoise db init --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
This command initializes the current folder to be a MSNoise Project by
creating a database and a db.ini file.
--tech TEXT Database technology: 1=SQLite 2=MySQL/MariaDB 3=PostgreSQL
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise db update_loc_chan
msnoise db update_loc_chan --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Populates the Location & Channel from the Data Availability table. Warning:
rewrites automatically, no confirmation.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise db execute
msnoise db execute --help
EXPERT MODE: Executes 'sql_command' on the database. Use this command at
your own risk!!
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?="request.csv")
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show output (in case of SELECT statement)?
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise db upgrade
msnoise db upgrade --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Upgrade the database from previous to a new version. This procedure adds new
parameters with their default value in the config database.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise db clean_duplicates
msnoise db clean_duplicates --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Checks the Jobs table and deletes duplicate entries
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise db dump
msnoise db dump --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Dumps the complete database in formatted files, defaults to CSV.
--format TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise db import
msnoise db import --help
Imports msnoise tables from formatted files (CSV).
--format TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise info
msnoise info --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Outputs general information about the current install and config, plus
information about jobs and their status.
-j, --jobs Jobs Info only
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise config sync
msnoise config sync --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Synchronise station metadata from inventory/dataless.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise config set
msnoise config set --help
Set a configuration value. The argument should be of the form
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise config get
msnoise config get --help
Usage: [OPTIONS] [NAMES]...
Display the value of the given configuration variable(s).
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise config reset
msnoise config reset --help
Usage: [OPTIONS] [NAMES]...
Reset the value of the given configuration variable(s) to their default.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise reset
msnoise reset --help
Resets the jobs to "T"odo. JOBTYPE is the acronym of the job type. By
default only resets jobs "I"n progress. --all resets all jobs, whatever the
flag value. Standard Job Types are CC, STACK, MWCS and DTT, but plugins can
define their own.
-a, --all Reset all jobs
-r, --rule TEXT Reset job that match this SQL rule
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise populate
msnoise populate --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Rapidly scan the archive filenames and find Network/Stations, only works
with known archive structures, or with a custom code provided by the user.
--fromDA Populates the station table using network and station codes found
in the data_availability table, overrides the default workflow
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise scan_archive
msnoise scan_archive --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Scan the archive and insert into the Data Availability table.
-i, --init First run ?
--path TEXT Scan all files in specific folder, overrides the default
workflow step.
-r, --recursively When scanning a path, walk subfolders automatically ?
--crondays TEXT Number of past days to monitor, typically used in cron
jobs (overrides the 'crondays' configuration value). Must
be a float representing a number of days, or designate
weeks, days, and/or hours using the format 'Xw Xd Xh'.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise plot data_availability
msnoise plot data_availability --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Plots the Data Availability vs time
-c, --chan TEXT Channel, you can use the ? wildcard, e.g. '?HZ'
(default) or 'HH?', etc.
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format, but
can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf will save
to PDF with an automatic file naming.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise plot station_map
msnoise plot station_map --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Plots the station map (very very basic)
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format, but
can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf will save
to PDF with an automatic file naming.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise plot dvv-plot-timing
msnoise plot dvv-plot-timing --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Plots the timing (parses the dt/t results) Individual pairs can be plotted
extra using the -p flag one or more times. Example: msnoise plot timing -p
ID_KWUI_ID_POSI Example: msnoise plot timing -p ID_KWUI_ID_POSI -p
ID_KWUI_ID_TRWI Remember to order stations alphabetically !
-f, --filterid INTEGER Filter ID
-c, --comp TEXT Components (ZZ, ZR,...)
-m, --mov_stack INTEGER Plot specific mov stacks
-p, --pair TEXT Plot a specific pair
-A, --all Show the ALL line?
-M, --dttname TEXT Plot M or M0?
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise new_jobs
msnoise new_jobs --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Determines if new CC/QC jobs are to be defined
-i, --init First run ? This disables the check for existing jobs.
--nocc Disable the creation of CC jobs.
--hpc TEXT Format PREVIOUS:NEXT. When running on HPC, create the next jobs
in the workflow based on theprevious step mentioned here.
Example:"msnoise new_jobs --hpc CC:STACK" will create STACK jobs
based on CC jobs marked "D"one.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc compute_cc
msnoise cc compute_cc --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the CC jobs (based on the "New Jobs" identified)
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc compute_cc_rot
msnoise cc compute_cc_rot --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the CC jobs too (allows for R or T components)
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc stack_old
msnoise cc stack_old --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Stacks the [REF] or [MOV] windows. Computes the STACK jobs.
-r, --ref Compute the REF Stack
-m, --mov Compute the MOV Stacks
-s, --step Compute the STEP Stacks
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc stack
msnoise cc stack --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Stacks the [REF] or [MOV] windows. Computes the STACK jobs.
-r, --ref Compute the REF Stack
-m, --mov Compute the MOV Stacks
-s, --step Compute the STEP Stacks
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc plot distance
msnoise cc plot distance --help
Plots the REFs of all pairs vs distance
-f, --filterid INTEGER Filter ID
-c, --comp TEXT Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
-a, --ampli FLOAT Amplification of the individual lines on the
vertical axis (default=1)
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
-r, --refilter TEXT Refilter CCFs before plotting (e.g. 4:8 for
filtering CCFs between 4.0 and 8.0 Hz. This will
update the plot title.
--virtual-source TEXT Use only pairs including this station. Format must
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc plot interferogram
msnoise cc plot interferogram --help
Plots the interferogram between sta1 and sta2 (parses the CCFs) STA1 and
STA2 must be provided with this format: NET.STA.LOC !
-f, --filterid INTEGER Filter ID
-c, --comp TEXT Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
-m, --mov_stack INTEGER Mov Stack to read from disk. Defaults to 1.
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
-r, --refilter TEXT Refilter CCFs before plotting (e.g. 4:8 for
filtering CCFs between 4.0 and 8.0 Hz. This will
update the plot title.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc plot ccftime
msnoise cc plot ccftime --help
Plots the ccf vs time between sta1 and sta2 STA1 and STA2 must be provided
with this format: NET.STA.LOC !
-f, --filterid INTEGER Filter ID
-c, --comp TEXT Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
-m, --mov_stack INTEGER Mov Stack to read from disk. Defaults to 1.
-a, --ampli FLOAT Amplification of the individual lines on the
vertical axis (default=1)
-S, --seismic Seismic style: fill the space between the zero and
the positive wiggles
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
-e, --envelope Plot envelope instead of time series
-r, --refilter TEXT Refilter CCFs before plotting (e.g. 4:8 for
filtering CCFs between 4.0 and 8.0 Hz. This will
update the plot title.
--normalize TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc plot spectime
msnoise cc plot spectime --help
Plots the ccf's spectrum vs time between sta1 and sta2 STA1 and STA2 must be
provided with this format: NET.STA.LOC !
-f, --filterid INTEGER Filter ID
-c, --comp TEXT Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
-m, --mov_stack INTEGER Mov Stack to read from disk. Defaults to 1.
-a, --ampli FLOAT Amplification of the individual lines on the
vertical axis (default=1)
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
-r, --refilter TEXT Refilter CCFs before plotting (e.g. 4:8 for
filtering CCFs between 4.0 and 8.0 Hz. This will
update the plot title.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv compute_mwcs_old
msnoise cc dvv compute_mwcs_old --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the MWCS jobs
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv compute_mwcs
msnoise cc dvv compute_mwcs --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the MWCS jobs
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv compute_stretching_old
msnoise cc dvv compute_stretching_old --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the stretching based on the new stacked data
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv compute_stretching
msnoise cc dvv compute_stretching --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the stretching based on the new stacked data
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv compute_dtt_old
msnoise cc dvv compute_dtt_old --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the dt/t jobs based on the new MWCS data
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv compute_dtt
msnoise cc dvv compute_dtt --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the dt/t jobs based on the new MWCS data
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv compute_dvv
msnoise cc dvv compute_dvv --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the dt/t jobs based on the new DTT data
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv compute_wct
msnoise cc dvv compute_wct --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the wavelet dv/v jobs based on the new STACK data
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv plot mwcs
msnoise cc dvv plot mwcs --help
Plots the mwcs results between sta1 and sta2 (parses the CCFs) STA1 and STA2
must be provided with this format: NET.STA.LOC !
-f, --filterid INTEGER Filter ID
-c, --comp TEXT Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
-m, --mov_stack INTEGER Mov Stack to read from disk. Defaults to 1.
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv plot dvv
msnoise cc dvv plot dvv --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Plots the dv/v (parses the dt/t results) Individual pairs can be plotted
extra using the -p flag one or more times. Example: msnoise plot dvv -p
ID_KWUI_ID_POSI Example: msnoise plot dvv -p ID_KWUI_ID_POSI -p
ID_KWUI_ID_TRWI Remember to order stations alphabetically !
-f, --filterid INTEGER Filter ID
-c, --comp TEXT Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
-m, --mov_stack INTEGER Plot specific mov stacks
-p, --pair TEXT Plot a specific pair
-A, --all Show the ALL line?
-M, --dttname TEXT Plot M or M0?
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv plot dtt
msnoise cc dvv plot dtt --help
Plots a graph of dt against t STA1 and STA2 must be provided with this
format: NET.STA.LOC ! DAY must be provided in the ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD
-f, --filterid INTEGER Filter ID
-c, --comp TEXT Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
-m, --mov_stack INTEGER Mov Stack to read from disk. Defaults to 1.
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv plot wct
msnoise cc dvv plot wct --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Plots the dv/v (parses the wct results) Individual pairs can be plotted
extra using the -p flag one or more times. Example: msnoise plot dvv -p
ID_KWUI_ID_POSI Example: msnoise plot dvv -p ID_KWUI_ID_POSI -p
ID_KWUI_ID_TRWI Remember to order stations alphabetically !
-f, --filterid INTEGER Filter ID
-c, --comp TEXT Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
-m, --mov_stack INTEGER Plot specific mov stacks
-p, --pair TEXT Plot a specific pair
-A, --all Show the ALL line?
-e, --end TEXT Plot until which date? (default=2100-01-01 or
-b, --begin TEXT Plot from which date, can be relative to the endate
('-100'days)?(default=1970-01-01 or startdate)
-v, --visualize TEXT Which plot : wavelet 'dvv' heat map, wavelet
'coh'erence heat map, dv/v 'curve' with coherence
-r, --ranges TEXT With visualize = 'curve', which frequency ranges to
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto). Defaults to PNG format,
but can be anything matplotlib outputs, e.g. ?.pdf
will save to PDF with an automatic file naming.
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise cc dvv plot dvvs
msnoise cc dvv plot dvvs --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Plots the dv/v obtained by stretching
Individual pairs can be plotted extra using the -p flag one or more times.
Example: msnoise plot dvvs -p ID_KWUI_ID_POSI
Example: msnoise plot dvvs -p ID_KWUI_ID_POSI -p ID_KWUI_ID_TRWI
Remember to order stations alphabetically !
-f, --filterid INTEGER Filter ID
-c, --comp TEXT Components (ZZ, ZE, NZ, 1E,...). Defaults to ZZ
-m, --mov_stack INTEGER Plot specific mov stacks
-p, --pair TEXT Plot a specific pair
-s, --show BOOLEAN Show interactively?
-o, --outfile TEXT Output filename (?=auto)
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise qc compute_psd
msnoise qc compute_psd --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the PSD jobs, based on New or Modified files identified by the
new_jobs step
-n, --njobs_per_worker INTEGER Reduce this number when processing a small
number of days but a large number of
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise qc psd_to_hdf
msnoise qc psd_to_hdf --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Groups the PSD calculated as NPZ to HDF
-n, --njobs_per_worker INTEGER Reduce this number when processing a small
number of days but a large number of
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise qc plot_psd
msnoise qc plot_psd --help
Plots the PSD and spectrogram based on NPZ files
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise qc hdf_to_rms
msnoise qc hdf_to_rms --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Computes the RMS based on HDFs
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise qc export_rms
msnoise qc export_rms --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Exports the RMS dataframes as CSV files
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise qc optimize
msnoise qc optimize --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Optimizes the HDFs using ptrepack (should be used periodically)
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise utils bugreport
msnoise utils bugreport --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
This command launches the Bug Report script.
-s, --sys System Info
-m, --modules Modules Info
-e, --env Environment Info
-a, --all All Info
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise utils test
msnoise utils test --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Runs the test suite in a temporary folder
-p, --prefix TEXT Prefix for tables
--tech INTEGER Test using (1) SQLite or (2) MariaDB (you need to start
that server before!)
-c, --content
--help Show this message and exit.
msnoise utils jupyter
msnoise utils jupyter --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Launches an jupyter notebook in the current folder
--help Show this message and exit.