Go to the end to download the full example code
Plot an interferogram
import os
if "SPHINX_DOC_BUILD" in os.environ:
if "MSNOISE_DOC" in os.environ:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
from msnoise.api import connect, get_results, build_movstack_datelist, get_params, get_t_axis, xr_get_ccf
# connect to the database
db = connect()
# Obtain a list of dates between ``start_date`` and ``enddate``
start, end, datelist = build_movstack_datelist(db)
# Get the list of parameters from the DB:
params = get_params(db)
# Get the time axis for plotting the CCF:
taxis = get_t_axis(db)
# Get the first mov_stack configured:
mov_stack = params.mov_stack[0]
# Get the results for two station, filter id=1, ZZ component, mov_stack=1 and the results as a 2D array:
ccf = xr_get_ccf("PF.FJS.00", "PF.FOR.00", "ZZ", 1, mov_stack, taxis, format="xarray")
# Plot the interferogram
ccf.plot(robust=True, figsize=(10,8))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\PythonForSource\MSNoise_Stack\MSNoise\examples\", line 27, in <module>
db = connect()
File "d:\pythonforsource\msnoise_stack\msnoise\msnoise\", line 109, in connect
engine = get_engine(inifile)
File "d:\pythonforsource\msnoise_stack\msnoise\msnoise\", line 73, in get_engine
dbini = read_db_inifile(inifile)
File "d:\pythonforsource\msnoise_stack\msnoise\msnoise\", line 159, in read_db_inifile
raise DBConfigNotFoundError(
msnoise.DBConfigNotFoundError: No db.ini file in this directory, please run 'msnoise db init' in this folder to initialize it as an MSNoise project folder.
Running a simple moving window average can be done with pandas’s functions:
smooth = ccf.rolling(times=5).mean()
smooth.plot(robust=True, figsize=(10,8))
Plotting the sub-daily stacks and zooming on +- 20 seconds:
if "SPHINX_DOC_BUILD" in os.environ:
if "MSNOISE_DOC" in os.environ:
# Get the last mov_stack configured:
mov_stack = params.mov_stack[-1]
# Get the results for two station, filter id=1, ZZ component, mov_stack=1 and the results as a 2D array:
ccf = xr_get_ccf("PF.FJS.00", "PF.FOR.00", "ZZ", 1, mov_stack, taxis, format="xarray")
# Plot the interferogram and zoom in around +- 10 seconds lag
ccf.loc[:,-20:20].plot(robust=True, figsize=(10,8))
Finally, stacking to a Reference function
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.003 seconds)