MSNoise 1.3 is Released !

8 months after the last bugfix release (MSNoise 1.2.5), and 17 months after the last major release (MSNoise 1.2) we are proud to announce the new MSNoise 1.3. It is a major release, with a massive amount of work since the last release: in GitHub numbers , it’s over 100 commits and about 3500 new lines of code and documentation added ! MSNoise 1.3 introduces a brand new way of executing the workflow. The workflow in itself doesn’t change, so experienced users as well as new users reading the SRL publication will find their way easily!

MSNoise is now a Python Package, allowing a single (and easy) install for all your projects and/or all users using pip install msnoise. The new top-level msnoise command contains all the steps of the workflow, plus new additions, as the very useful reset command to easily mark all jobs “T”odo. The msnoise plot command group which includes seven plots, all directly callable from the command line, without needing to hack/edit the source codes. About hacking: MSNoise has now a proper documented API which allows pythonistas to write their own plots, computation steps, …, while interacting with the database and the data archive! The “dynamic time lag” allows to use parts of the coda that is dependent from the interstation distance (provided station coordinates are defined). Finally, MSNoise is now tested and automatically checked by Travis-CI!

This version has benefited from outputs/ideas/pull requests/questions from several users:

  • Rebecca Kramer
  • Carmelo Sammarco
  • Oscar Alberto Castro Artola
  • Kasper van Wijk
  • Kohtaro R. Araragi
  • Esteban Chaves
  • Adrian Shelley
  • Weston Thelen
  • Robert Abbott
  • Jean Battaglia
  • Sébastien Carniato
  • Xiao Wang
  • Lion Krisher
  • Tobias Megies
  • all participants to the 2014 Pre-AGU MSNoise workshop
  • all others (don’t be mad 🙂 )

Thanks to all for using MSNoise, and please, let us know why/how you use it (and please cite it!)!
